Class registration image

Class Registration





 Please submit the form below to complete your registration. If you prefer to pay via check,   simply omit the payment details section and enter details in the comment section.

 You are registering for the following class:


Class: Flash level 1 beginner course Cost: $895
Date: February 24th - February 25th Class Hours:9am - 4pm
City: Toronto Number of days/sessions: 2


Student Details
A value is required.
Student Email A value is required.Invalid format.
Student Phone A value is required.
Billing Details
Company Name
Your Name (if not student)
Your Email (if not student)
Your Phone (if not student)
Address A value is required.
City A value is required.
Zip Code A value is required.Invalid format.
Country A value is required.
Payment Details
Credit Card Number
Expiration Date  
Security Code (CVV)
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Please do not make any travel arrangements until you have received an email confirming your class registration